Environmental charity activities – Qi Harmony Jewelry

Environmental charity activities

Environmental charity activities

In this era that reveres natural harmony, every gift from the earth deserves our utmost cherishing. As a brand dedicated to natural crystal jewelry, we firmly believe that beauty not only stems from nature's wondrous craftsmanship but also resides in humanity's respect and reciprocation of this endowment. Hence, we proudly declare: each of our pieces is crafted from nature's pristine gifts, and we commit 10% of our annual profits to support environmental causes, embodying our brand philosophy of "taken from nature, used with nature, given back to nature."

Rediscovering Nature's Origins

Each crystal, shimmering and translucent, is a miracle born from millions of years of the earth's nurturing. We meticulously select these unadorned natural gems, preserving their original textures and hues, allowing wearers to not just appreciate natural beauty but also resonate with the earth's energy. This pursuit goes beyond aesthetics; it embodies respect for and consciousness towards ecological preservation.

Nature's Origin, Pure Beauty

Our story originates deep within nature, where every crystal is a masterpiece sculpted by time and the earth itself. Unlike synthetic materials, we adhere to using undecorated natural crystals as our creative medium. These crystals embody the earth's vitality and historical imprints; they are not merely adornments but precious gifts bestowed upon us by nature.

The Cycle of Tao, Harmonious Coexistence

From Tao springs One, from One arises Two, from Two emerge Three, and from Three all things are produced." Following the teachings of Taoist philosophy, we hold firm that all things in the universe are interconnected through subtle yet profound links. By taking moderately and using wisely, we strive to establish a virtuous business cycle that satisfies humanity's pursuit of beauty without compromising nature's foundation. We believe that only through harmonious coexistence with nature can human society achieve sustainable development.

Craftsmanship with Heart, Transmitting Love and Hope

Behind every piece of jewelry lies artisans' homage and recreation of nature's beauty. Designers meticulously craft, striving to retain the crystal's primal form and spirit, enabling wearers to sense not only its allure but also the serene power of being connected to nature. Through these diminutive artworks, we aim to convey a message to the world: caring for the earth is caring for our shared future.


In our quest for beauty, we have never forsaken our original intent and mission. As a brand rooted in nature, we are honored to serve as a bridge between the natural world and modern life, transforming nature's gifts into tangible contributions to environmental endeavors. We invite every customer to embark on this green journey with us, together witnessing and participating in the beautiful practice of "originating from nature, giving back to nature," letting love and hope shine like crystals, illuminating every corner of the earth.